Review And Compare the Tablet Surface, Nexus 7, and the New iPad - News Technology Product - So many of the tablet lately sprung and so seized the international community today is the emergence google nexus 7 which has just been introduced by google and a tablet the first is the stretcher with asus google is a tablet with a relatively cheap price could even be said as a tablet cheapest on the market today.
A little will share the third review of the gadget is the Microsoft Surface developed by Microsoft while the nexus 7 d is the first tablet developed by Google and produced by Asus and the last is the new iPad which is the third generation of this iPad tablet. to find out more details please see some of the information below.
Compare the Tablet Surface, Nexus 7, and the New iPad
Microsoft Surface*
Processor" Not yet
32/ 64 GB
10.6 inci "HD",
1280x720 not yet
Windows RT
676 gram
9.3 mm
2 units
WiFi, 3G, Kickstand
Not yet
Google Nexus 7
NVIDIA Tegra 3,
Quad-core, 1.3 GHz 1 GB
8/ 16 GB
7 inci IPS, 1280x800
Android 4.1 "Jelly Bean"
340 gram
10.45 mm
1 Unit, 1.2 megapixel,
on the frontWiFi, BlueTooth, NFC
US$ 199 (8GB),
US$ 249 (16 GB)
The New iPad
Apple A5X, Dual-core, 1 GHz
32/ 64 GB
9.7 inci "Retina Display",
iOS5, upgradeable to iOS6
652 gram
9.4 mm
2 Unit, on front
(0.3 megapixel) and camera
HD on front
WiFi, BlueTooth, 3G/4G
US$ 499-699 (WiFi)
US$ 629-829 (WiFi+Cellular)
Apple A5X, Dual-core, 1 GHz
32/ 64 GB
9.7 inci "Retina Display",
iOS5, upgradeable to iOS6
652 gram
9.4 mm
2 Unit, on front
(0.3 megapixel) and camera
HD on front
WiFi, BlueTooth, 3G/4G
US$ 499-699 (WiFi)
US$ 629-829 (WiFi+Cellular)
That way you can find out more clear and detailed information about some of the features and specifications are also planted in some of the above gadget that you now better understand the details of the Review And Compare the Tablet Surface, Nexus 7, and the New iPad. Hope it helps you in choosing a gadget that might be an option or your primary choice in choosing a tablet that fits your needs as well.